All believers In Scripture Are Not The Same
Let us take a look at all believers in Christ Jesus in an orderly timeline as they are presented in order, in scripture. We should ask these questions about each set of believers in Christ Jesus as we find them in Scripture in history, all the way to the present and into the future.
1. Who is being spoken to in the context of the verse?
2. Who is speaking?
3. What is being spoken about?
4. When was what was spoken supposed to occur?
5. What is the hope of each believer in context?
6. When was the hope for each set by God for the believer, before the foundation of the world or
since the foundation of the world?
7. Was the hope revealed in Old Testament and prophecy or was it or was it completely secret,
hidden in the mind of God and revealed only after a certain timeline to Paul?
8. Where in the timeline of Scripture is your hope?
9. The foundation of all believers hope is built on the belief that Christ Jesus in the living,
resurrected Son of God, just as at it was for Paul for the first time on the road to Damascus.
Jesus told him, "It is I, Jesus !" At that very moment in time, Paul realized for the first time
that Jesus is the living, resurrected Son of God. With the confirming of that knowledge in a
believers mind, by the Holy Spirit, Scripture assures us eternal, or more correctly translated,
"aonian" life.
10. Your measure of faith, granted to you by God, when He chooses to give it to you, is built on
that foundation and grows steadily as you study Scripture. We are taught by God's Holy
Spirit and given the ability to believe more and more of God's Word when He reveals it's
TRUTH to you, WHEN He wants you to believe it, and thus have a measure of faith. Your
measure of faith given to you, grows in this way. We grow in grace and knowledge.
11. The HIGHEST MEASURE of faith was granted to some before the foundation of the world or
aonian times. It was a secret, hidden in the mind of God and not revealed any where in Scripture
in the Old Testament or prophecy. It was revealed to one man first, and that man was Paul. It was
revealed to Paul at a certain place on the timeline of history after Israel was given adequate time to
repent of rejecting their Messiah and King. Israel was set aside temporarily, DIVORCED FROM
God. Israel was brought down from her high status before God to just the exact status as all the
other nations, NO MORE, NO LESS !
12. If... YOU WERE.... predestined before the foundation of the world ,YOU WILL believe
in his prison epistles about Paul's message for you, written there, waiting for you to read it and
THEN BELIEVE IT, at a certain time, reserved for you by God to read it and believe it !
If God has not predestined YOU before the foundation of the world to believe this message,
THEN, YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE IT ! You will be in unbelief about it. Just like Israel was in
UNBELIEF about their King and Messiah as the true Son of God. If you were predestined before
the foundation of the world to believe Paul as he tells us in Scripture, in his prison epistles, what
this SECRET IS and IS TO, then you will believe Paul's Gospel for you......
after you read it and believed ( about your high calling that is laid aside in heaven for you).....
Then, you will realize the real TIMELINE of what will happen NEXT on God's agenda for the
eons. Christ Jesus will at some point in the future stand up at the right hand of God, in heaven,
very same time IN HEAVEN....and not IN THE CLOUDS, a nano of 1/30th of a second,
what ever you are doing down here on earth, you will DISAPPEAR...
NEW GLORIFIED BODY LIKE UNTO HIS. There will be no doubt to all creation at this
time in history that you have been revealed to be a SON OF GOD.
This will be the moment in TIME that is the INAUGURATION of the DAY OF CHRIST
and His heavenly rule of the KINGDOM OF GOD from heaven over mankind and all the
earth. From the least to the greatest, in a nano of a second of TIME, all will know and believe God
with a NEW ATTITUDE of belief and respect for God. This will happen because God will
shower down His Spirit on all mankind and all living creation and because of this, even the very
nature of animals will be changed from wild to tame. This will be the time Scripture talks about
that the lion will lay down with a lamb.
13. All churches, bodies of believers, congregations, in the Bible are not the same as the SECRET
OF THE CHURCH WHICH IS HIS BODY. If you are ASHAMED...of Paul's prison epistles
and are in UNBELIEF about Paul's revelation to him from Christ Jesus that was a SECRET
hidden in the mind of God, about God's New Creation which is neither Jew nor Greek, which
you simply were not called to BELIEVE IT BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD.
You are a BELIEVER, but not in the Church which is His body.
Your faith is built up on the foundation of Christ Jesus with false hopes & you are trying to MIX...
the things that belong to Israel as yours, and THEY ARE NOT YOURS. Your false faith
will be burnt up at the Judgment Seat of Christ Jesus, yourself will be SAVED and
be given ( aonian ) life as promised. ( For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the
POWER of God to salvation to everyone who believes; to the Jew first, & also to the Greek.)
POWER of God to salvation to everyone who believes; to the Jew first, & also to the Greek.)
All believers in Christ Jesus have the proper foundation for their measure of faith that is granted to
them to believe, when God opens their eyes to it & that is that Christ Jesus is the Son of God.
It cannot be denied, that Scripture says if one believes this, "they will have "eternal or aonian life"
14. The degree that believers MIX the things that belong to Israel, their hope, and try to make them
their own instead of for Israel, the same degree of false traditions of men will have to be
unlearned either now or at the Judgment Seat. It takes God alone to dispel the false traditions
of men that have been planted there by Satan and his false ministers of light. There are those
believers that God predetermined before the foundation of the world and aonain times to believe
Paul and the SECRET revelation from the risen Christ Jesus about our glorious hope laid up for
us in heaven. There are more believers in Christ Jesus that God has caused to be in UNBELIEF
of Paul's prison epistles for us today. They are believers that are not ready to hear more then just
the milk of the Word and they CANNOT stomach strong meat and the GLORIOUS RICHES
for the Church which is His body which was alone PREDESTINED TO BE manifest with
Christ Jesus as He is, at the throne of God in heaven.
A statement made by a dear brother of mine on FaceBook:
ReplyDeleteJesus: "For there is not anything hidden, except that it should be manifested, neither did it become concealed, but that it may be coming into manifestation.
Paul: "Whenever Christs, our Life, should be manifested, then you also shall be manifested together with Him in glory."
What a great day of healing and reckoning it will be for many!!!
Dan Scott Whitcomb
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